Specifically designed to straddle the water-sensitive divide between the indoor and outdoor spaces, threshold drains deliver superior level-plane drainage beside the doorframe; a concealed, low-profile construction is not only a stunning visual statement, but a highly practical design feature, delivering universal access provisions for mobility impaired occupants.
The Threshold solution is an impeccable option for any open air design. It is crucial for designers to recognise the unique architectural and building requirements of threshold designs to achieve the maximum results with their installation. Here are the Key Considerations for Your Threshold Drainage Project:
1. Flow Rates
Most linear drains are designed to convey up to 40 litres of water per minute. Designers should thus be mindful of the incidence and frequency of heavy local downpours (or shower flow rates in bathroom applications), localised flooding events, and the risk of potential overflow.
2. Timber or Metal Threshold
Doorway thresholds are installed beneath the door to help reinforce the doorframe. Door thresholds come in either wood or metal variants, each with distinct advantages: while wood offers a more versatile and cost-effective base for threshold drainage, it is susceptible to rot; metal (typically aluminium) thresholds present a more costly and less versatile option than timber frames, but are far less vulnerable to wear-and-tear stresses.
Due to the unique properties of each door threshold material, separate waterproofing provisions exist for each system. Please refer to AS-3740 and AS-4654 for specific guidelines.