Stormtech met with Plumbing Inspections and Assurances representatives to discuss the interpretation and issues behind the Plumbing Industry Advisory Note 5/2013.
“The Advisory Note does not change any current linear drain product selection or installation requirements, said Stormtech managing director, Troy Creighton. “However, it flags the ‘fit for purpose’ aspect of these products, to ensure that the correct size of drain is used.
“The specific application targeted by the Advisory Note is for slab on ground applications where a linear drain is to be the sole floor waste used in the bathroom. In only this situation is the DN80 riser to surface level required. Shower drains connecting to the main riser can have a DN40 outlet as normal.
“In short, if the linear drain is to be the sole floor waste in a bathroom, then use a DN80 system, such as those available with our drainage products,” emphasised Creighton.
“As the originators of the linear drain category, we welcome the Advisory Note and endorse the enforcement of best practice installations and maintenance methods as laid out in the Plumbing Code of Australia. This issue has shaped the development of our linear drains since 1996, providing solutions for different applications. When Stormtech began development of the linear drain for showers it was in consultation with the plumbing regulators to ensure even the very first product was fit for purpose.”
All Stormetch products are WaterMarked and have US UPC and Canadian CSA approval. Stormtech offers the only linear drain product in the world with Global GreenTag™ certification to help with GreenStar credits. Stormtech works with regulators, legislators, end users, trades and distributors to develop problem solving products.
Stormtech has the greatest depth of experience with linear drainage in the world and welcomes any questions about product selection and compliance.